Publication Summary
Scopus Database
Total Citation: 520
H index: 12
Google Scholar
Total Citation: 1160
i10-index: 27
Wan Ab Aziz Wan Daud, MTA Ghani, Wong, K. T., (2022) M-Learning: How well it works for people who are learning Arabic as a beginner in Malaysia. Journal of Positive School Psychology, 5637–5650. (Indexed in SCOPUS)
Wong, K. T., Noor Aini Ahmad, Soo-May, Yoong, Fathin Jeffry (2022). Enhancing Reading Skills among Children with Specific Learning
Disabilities. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 2022, 12(12), 707-713.
Wong, K. T., Noor Aini Ahmad, Soo-May, Yoong, Fathin Jeffry (2022). Teaching Reading According to Selective Word Clusters among Children
with Dyslexia. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education and Development, 2022, 11(4), 237-244.
Wan Ab Aziz Wan Daud, Wong, K. T., Mohammad Taufiq & Saipol Barin Ramli (2021). Gender differences in Learning Arabic Language Proficiency via M-learning among Malaysia University Students. Journal of Language and Linguistic Studies, 17(2), 1069-1082. (Indexed in SCOPUS)
Hamdan, A., Wong, K.T., & Salleh, N. S. M. (2021). M-Heutagogy Acceptance among Students of Higher Education Institutions: The Conceptual Framework. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(6), 1766–1783.
Razalli, A. R., Kamaruddin, K., Tek, O. E., Wong, K. T., & Daud, N. A. M.(2021). Evaluating Teaching Workload of Academic Staff for Optimum and Effective Use of Expertise Resources. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 11(6), 13–26.
Hamdan, A., Wong, K.-T., Mat Salleh, N. S., & Hanafi, H. F. (2021). The Acceptance of M-Heutagogical Practice in Higher
Education: A Systematic Literature Review. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET),
16(22), pp. 87–98. (Indexed in SCOPUS)
Hanafi, H. F. bin, Wong, K.T., Muhamad Adnan, M. H. B., Selamat, A. Z. B., Zainuddin, N. A. B., & Abdullah, M. F. N. L. B. (2021). Utilizing Animal Characters of a Mobile Augmented Reality (AR) Reading Kit to Improve Preschoolers’ Reading Skills, Motivation, and Self-Learning: An Initial Study. International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM), 15(24), pp. 94–
107. (Indexed in SCOPUS)
Wong, K. T., Muhammad, M., & Abdullah, N. (2020). Exploring the drivers of intention to use interactive whiteboards among Malaysia university students: Does technology self-efficicacy matter? International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 15(1), 163-175. (Indexed in SCOPUS)
Wong, K. T., Muhammad, M. @ M., Abdullah, N., & Hamdan, A. (2020). Mobile-Heautagogical practices among student teachers: Its pedagogical affordances and challenges. Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies. 14(2), 130143. doi:10.3991/ijim.v14i02.11819 (Indexed in SCOPUS)
Wong, K. T., Hwang, G., Choo Goh, P. S., & Mohd Arrif, S. K. (2020). Effects of blended Learning pedagogical practices on
students’ motivation and autonomy for the teaching of short stories in upper Secondary english. Interactive Learning
Environments, 28(4), 512-525. doi:10.1080/10494820.2018.1542318 (Indexed in SCOPUS)
Daud, W. A., Wong, K. T., Ghani, M. T., & Ramli, S. (2020). M-learning boost students' motivation in learning arabic language
proficiency for elementary level. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 8(10), 4384-4392. doi:10.13189/ujer.2020.081004
(Indexed in SCOPUS)
Mohd Azli Yeop, Wong, K. T., Rosela Sabran (2020). Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi penerimaan dan penggunaan
pendekatan pembelajaran teradun dalam kalangan guru: Pembangunan dan pengujian model. Jurnal Penyelidikan Pendidikan Guru. 16, 130- 145. (Indexed in SCOPUS)
Goh, P. S., Canrinus, E. T., & Wong, K. T. (2020). Preservice teachers’ perspectives about coherence in their teacher education
program. Educational Studies, 46(3), 368-384. doi:10.1080/03055698.2019.1584856 (Indexed in SCOPUS)
Hanafi, H. F., Wahab, M. H., Wong, K. T., Selamat, A. Z., Muhammad Adnan, M. H., & Naning, F. H. (2020). Mobile Augmented
Reality Hand Wash (MARHw): Mobile Application to guide community to ameliorate handwashing effectiveness to oppose
Covid-19 disease. International Journal of Integrated Engineering, 12(5), 217-223. doi:10.30880/ijie.2020.12.05.027 (Indexed
Wong, K. T., Abdullah, N., & Goh, P. S. C. (2019). A Cross Examination of the Intention to Integrate MOOCs in Teaching and Learning: An Application of Multi-Group Invariance Analysis. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (IJET), 14(19), 106–116. doi: 10.3991/ijet.v14i19.10642 (Indexed in WOS-SSCI, SCOPUS)
Wong, K. T., Abdullah, N., & Abas, N. A. H. (2019). Blended Learning Pedagogical Practices: The Challenges to Cultivate New Ways of Teaching in Higher Education Institutions and Universities. International Journal of Engineering and Advanced
Technology (IJEAT), 9(1), 4178–4184. doi: 10.35940/ijeat.A1427.109119. (Indexed in ERA)
Wong, K. T., Tan, K. N., & Lin, C. Y. (2019). Innovative Improvised Low-Cost Wiimote Interactive Whiteboard (IW-IWB) Learning
Tool For Teaching Chinese As A Second Language (TCSL). International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT), 9(1), 2233–2237. doi: 10.35940/ijitee.A4803.119119. (Indexed in SCOPUS)
Wong, K. T., Hanafi, H. F., Abdullah, N., Mohamed Noh, N., & Hamzah, M. (2019). A Prototype of Augmented Reality Animation (ARA) E-Courseware: An Assistive Technology To Assist Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) Students Master in Basic Living Skills. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), 9(1), 3487–3492. doi: 10.35940/ijitee.A4962.119119. (Indexed in SCOPUS)
Wong, K. T., Hamzah, M. S. G., Pauline Swee Choo, G., & Abdullah, N. (2019). Blended Learning pedagogical practices for
improving students' learning autonomy and academic results in learning. Religación. Revista De Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, 4(17), 228–237. (Indexed in ERA)
Wong, K. T., Omar, J., Md Yassin, S., Mustapha, M. C., Abdullah, N., Rahmatullah, B., & Mohamad Samuri, S. (2019). Development of Quality Early Childhood Care and Education (QECCE) Scale: Factor Structural and Psychometric Properties. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 18(11), 385-396. (Indexed in SCOPUS)
Wong, K. T., Yeop, M. A., & Muhammad, M. @ M. (2019). Modelling the factor influencing the implementation of mobile
heutagogical practices among teachers: An application of invariance multi-group structural model. International Journal of
Learning, Teaching and Educational Research, 18(12), 1-16. (Indexed in SCOPUS)
Abdullah, N., Wong, K. T., Mohamed Noh, N., Hamzah, M., & Che Md Ghazali, N. H. (2019). The readiness of primary school
science and mathematics teachers in implementation of a dual language program (DLP). Religación. Revista De Ciencias Sociales
y Humanidades , 4(17), 239–246. (Indexed in ERA)
Mohamed Noh, N., Abdullah, N., Wong, K. T., & Hamzah, M. (2019). Cultivating Blended Learning in Teaching and Learning:
Teachers' Intrinsic and Extrinsic Readiness in Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Progressive Education &
Development, 8(2), 257–265. doi: 10.6007/IJARPED/v8-i2/5778. (Indexed in ERA)
Yeop, M. A., Mohd Yaakob, M. F., Wong, K. T., Don, Y., & Mohamad Zain, F. (2019). Implementation of ICT Policy (Blended
Learning Approach): Investigating factors of Behavioural Intention and Use-Behaviour. International Journal of
Instruction, 12(1), 767–782. doi: 10.29333/iji.2019.12149a. (Indexed in WOS-ESCI, SCOPUS)
Goh, P. S. C., Canrinus, E. T., & Wong, K. T. (2019). Preservice teachers’ perspectives about coherence in their teacher
education program. Educational Studies, doi:10.1080/03055698.2019.1584856. (Indexed in WOS/ESCI, SCOPUS)
Abdullah, N., Wong, K. T., Mansor, R., Halim, L., & Mohd Affandi, H. (2019). Development of Environmental Education Model
for Primary School Pupils in Malaysia. The Journal of Social Sciences Research, 5(4), 852–857. doi: 10.32861/jssr.54.1187.1192
(Indexed in Others)
Wan Daud, W. A. A., Wong, K. T., Abdul Ghani, M. T., & Ramli, S. (2019). The Needs Analysis of Developing Mobile Learning
Application for Cybergogical Teaching and Learning of Arabic Language Proficiency. International Journal of Academic Research
in Business & Social Sciences, 9(8), 33–46. doi: 10.6007/IJARBSS/v9-i8/6206. (Indexed in ERA)
Abdullah, N., Wong, K. T., Mohamed Noh, N., Hamzah, M., & Che Md Ghazali, N. H. (2019). An evaluation of the
implementation of the Dual Language Programme (DLP) among Science and Mathematics teachers. International Journal of
Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 8(4), 13-15. doi:10.35940/ijrte.C4250.118419 (Indexed in SCOPUS)
Mustafa, M. C., Wong, K. T., Abdullah, N., Rahmatullah, B., Omar, J., Mohamad Samuri, S., & Md Yasin, S. (2019). Educationist' voice on quality early childhood care and education in Malaysia. International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, 10(8), 123-138. (Indexed in SCOPUS)
Wong, K. T., Gwo-Jen, H., Pauline Swee Choo, G., & Mohd Ariff, S. K. (2018). Effect of blended learning pedagogical practices on
students' motivation and autonomy for the teaching of short stories in upper secondary English. Interactive Learning
Environments, 1–14. doi: 10.1080/10494820.2018.1542318 (Indexed in WOS-SSCI, SCOPUS)
Wan Daud, W. A. A., Wong, K. T., & Abdul Ghani, M. T. (2018). A Conceptual Framework for Mobile Application in Learning
Arabic Language Proficiency. The Journal of Social Science Research, (Special Issues 4), 66–70. doi: 10.32861/jssr.spi4.66.7
(Indexed in ERA)
Thin Fook, P., Mustafa, M. C., & Wong, K. T. (2018). The Relationships between Influencing Factors and Critical Thinking Skills
among Undergraduates of Early Childhood Education in Public Tertiary Institutions. International Journal of Academic Research
in Business & Social Sciences, 8(2), 610–622. doi: 10.6007/IJARBSS/v8-i2/3970. (Indexed in ERA)
Nachiappan, S., Wong, K. T., Md Zabit, M. N., Sehgar, S. C., Suffian, S., & Sukri, N. A. (2018). Causes and ways to overcome bully
among students from National Primary Schools, National Type Chinese Primary Schools and National Type Tamil Primary
Schools. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(8), 1-11. doi:10.6007/IJARBSS/v8-i8/4426
(Indexed in ERA)
Pauline, S. C. G., Qismullah, Y., & Wong, K. T. (2018). Pedagogically aligned program and its relationship to the approaches to
learning: Preservice teachers’ perspectives. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(10), 774
-787. doi:10.6007/IJARBSS/v8-i10/4778 (Indexed in ERA)
Wong, K. T., Choo, P. S. G., & Ariff, S. K. (2017). Exploring the affordances and obstacles of blended e-learning pedagogical
practices: perspective of Malaysian teachers. International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning, 14(5), 49-
57. (Indexed in ERA)
Pauline Swee Choo, G., Yusof, Q., & Wong, K. T. (2017). Lived Experience: Perceptions of Competency of Novice
Teachers. International Journal of Instruction, 10(1), 20–36. (Indexed in WOS-ESCI, SCOPUS)
Pauline Swee Choo, G., Wong, K. T., & Hamzah, M. (2017). Re-structuring the Revised Two-Factor Study Process
Questionnaire (R-SPQ-2F) of pre-service teachers in Malaysia. Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities, 25(2), 805–822
(Indexed in WOS-ESCI, SCOPUS)
Govindan Nair, K. A., Nachiappan, S., & Wong, K. T. (2017). Integrating English with total physical response for pre-schoolers’-
cognitive development. Journal of Research, Policy & Practice of Teachers & Teacher Education, 7(2), 46-57. (Indexed in MyCite)
Mohamed Noh, N., Abdullah, N., Wong, K. T., & Hamzah, M. (2017). Keberkesanan pendekatan flipped classroom dalam
pembelajaran sains di sekolah. Jurnal Pendidikan Sains & Matematik Malaysia, 7(2), 106-118. (Indexed in MyCite)
Yeop, M. A., Wong, K. T., Mohamed Noh, N., & Hamzah, M. (2017). The construct of factors acceptance and use of blended
learning for teachers in Malaysia. International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning, 14(9), 3-9. (Indexed in
Wong, K. T., Hamzah, M. S. G., Pauline Swee Choo, G., & Yeop, M. A. Blended E-Learning Acceptance as Smart
Pedagogical Tools: An Initial Study in Malaysia. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology, 15(4), 25–31 (Indexed in
SCOPUS) (Oct. 2016)
Aslina Ahmad, Norazani Ahmad, Nasir Bistaman, Muzafah Shah, Wong, K.T., Aziz Yatim, & Taquddin. The Usage of
Counselling Skills to Increase Motivation in Teaching Among Trainee Teachers in Malaysia. The Journal of Research, Policy &
Practice of Teachers and Teacher Education. 6(2), 34-42. (Indexed in MyCite) (Dec. 2016)
Norazilawati Abdullah, Norani Noh, Wong, K.T., & Mahizer H. Pembinaan dan penilaian makmal maya untuk
menerapkan kemahiran proses sains dalam kalangan murid. Jurnal Pendidikan Sains & Matematik Malaysia, 6(2), 1731
(Indexed in MyCite) (Dec. 2016)
Mohd Azli Yeop, Wong, K.T, Pauline, S.C.G. Blended learning: Pedagogy, learning styles, and assessment activities in the classroom. International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences. 3(11), 365-369. (Indexed in WOS-ESCI,ISI) (Nov. 2016)
Noraini Mohamed Noh, Wong, K.T, Mohd Azli Yeop, Norazilawati Abdullah. Blended Learning: Its implementation and promote continuing e-learning environment among student-teachers. International Journal of Advanced and Applied Sciences. 3(11), 11-15. (Indexed in ISI, WOS) (Oct. 2016)
Yeop, M. A., Mohamed Noh, N., & Wong, K. T. Blended learning in selected journals: a content analysis using the
Complex Adaptive Blended Learning Systems. International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning, 13(10), 47-
58. (Indexed in ERA) (Oct. 2016).
Mohd Azli Yeop, Wong, K.T, Noraini Mohamed Noh. (2016). Pembelajaran Teradun: Pedagogi, gaya pembelajaran, aktiviti dan
penilaian di bilik darjah. The Journal of Research, Policy & Practice of Teachers and Teacher Education. 6(1), 15-23. (Indexed in
Siti Eshah, Wong, K.T., Haniz Ibrahim. (2016). Trends and factors for dropout among secondary school students in Perak. The
Journal of Research, Policy & Practice of Teachers and Teacher Education. 6(1), 5 -15. (Indexed in ERA)
Tien Tien Lee, Kuan Nien Tan, Wong, K.T., Chia Ying Lin, Wee Hoe Tan. (2016). The potential of Wiimote Interactive Whiteboard
as a teaching and learning aid. International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning. 13(7), 29-37. (Indexed in
Wong, K. T., Teo, T., & Pauline, S.C.G. (2015). Understanding and intention to use interactive whiteboard: Model development
and testing. Interactive Learning Environments. 23(6), 731-747. (Indexed in WOS-SSCI)
Wong, K.T., Mohd Sahandri Gani, & Mahizer Hamzah (2015). Factors driving the use of Moodle: An empirical study on
Malaysian practicing teachers’ perspective. The Journal of Research, Policy & Practice of Teachers and Teacher Education. 4(2), 15-
23. (Indexed in ERA)
Tan, K.N, Lin, C.Y., Lee,T.T., Wong, K.T., & Tan, W.H. (2015). Interactive Whiteboard (IWB): A review of literatures on its
affordances and benefits. The Journal of Research, Policy & Practice of Teachers and Teacher Education. 5(2), 40-49. (Indexed in
N. Abdullah, NM. Noh, R. Mansor, AT.Hashim, Wong, K.T., (2015). Penilaian pelaksanaan pentaksiran pentaksiran berasaskan
sekolah (PBS) dalam kalangan guru sains. Jurnal Pendidikan Sains & Matematik Malaysia, 5(1), 89-102. (Indexed in Malaysian
Abstracting and Indexing System) (MyAis)
Pauline, S.C.G., & Wong, K.T. (2015). Exploring the challenges for teacher educator. The Journal of Research, Policy & Practice of
Teachers and Teacher Education. 5(1), 37-45. (UPSI). (Indexed in ERA)
Wong, K.T, Teo, T., & Goh, P.S.C. (2014). Development of the Interactive Whiteboard Acceptance Scale (IWBAS): An Initial Study.
Educational Technology & Society, 17(4), 268–277. (Indexed in WOS-SSCI)
Goh, P., Wong, K. T, & Hamzah, M. (2014). The Approaches to Teaching Inventory: A Preliminary Validation of the Malaysian
Translation. Australian Journal of Teacher Education,39(1). 16-26. (Indexed in SCOPUS)
Goh, P.S.C., & Wong, K.T. (2014). Beginning teachers’ conceptions of competency: Implications to educational policy and
teacher education in Malaysia. Educational Research for Policy and Practice, 13(1), 65-79. (Indexed in SCOPUS)
NM. Noh, N. Abdullah, Wong, K.T., & Mahizer Hamzah (2014). Pendifusian inovasi teknologi Frog VLE di sekolah. Trend
dan Isu, Pengajaran & Pembelajaran, 2(1), 81-94. (UPSI) (Indexed in Malaysian Abstracting and Indexing System) (MyAis)
Pauline, S.C.G., & Wong, K.T. (2014). Discerning beginning teachers’ conceptions of competence through a phenomenograpic
investigation. The Journal of Research, Policy & Practice of Teachers and Teacher Education. 4(1), 40-47. (Indexed in ERA)
Wong, K. T., Pauline, S.C.G., & Osman R. (2013). Affordances of interactive whiteboards and associated pedagogical practices:
Perspectives of teachers of science with children aged five to six years. The Turkish Online Journal of Educational Technology.
12(1), 1-8. (Indexed in WOS-SSCI)
Wong, K. T., Osman, R., Pauline, S.C.G, Khairezan, R. (2013). Understanding student teachers’ behavioural intention to use
technology: Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) validation and testing. International Journal of Instruction. 6(1), 89-104.
(Indexed in SCOPUS)
Wong, K. T., Russo, S., & McDowall, J. (2013). Understanding early childhood student teachers’ acceptance and use of
interactive whiteboard. Campus-Wide Information Systems, 30(1), 4-16. (Indexed in SCOPUS)
Wong, K. T., Teo, T., & Russo, S. (2013). Interactive Whiteboard Acceptance: Applicability of the UTAUT Model to Student-
Teachers. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 22(1), 1-10. (Indexed in SCOPUS, WOS-SSCI)
Wong, K. T., Osman, R., & Pauline, S.C.G. (2013). Papan putih interaktif dalam bilik darjah diusia awal tahun: Kebaikan
pedagogi dan cabaran. Trend dan Isu, Pengajaran & Pembelajaran, 1(1), 11-24. (UPSI) (Indexed in Malaysian Abstracting and
Indexing System) (MyAis)
Wong, K.T., Siti E. M., Goh, P.S.C., & Hafizul H. (2013). The Computer Use Intention (CUI) scale in education: Development,
validity and reliability studies. The Journal of Research, Policy & Practice of Teachers and Teacher Education. 3(1), 47-67.(UPSI).
(Indexed in ERA)
Conference Articles
[1] Wong, K.T., Mahizer Hamzah, Norazilawati Abdullah, Pauline, Swee Choo, Goh, & Noraini Mohamed Noh. Factors influencing
the acceptance of digital technology in teaching and learning among students in rural and inland areas of Sarawak, Malaysia.
Presented in Conference on Strengthening Nationhood 4: Shaping the Future (COSNA 4), Convention Hall, Sultan Idris
Education University, Malaysia. March 13 -15, 2016.
[2] Wong, K.T., Mohd Sahandri Gani, & Pauline, Swee Choo Goh (2015). Exploring the affordances and obstacles of blended e
learning pedagogical practices: Perspective of Malaysian teachers. Presented in International Conference on Education,
Psychology and Social Sciences (ICEPS) , Grand Hotel, Taipei. August 5 – 7, 2015.
[3] Wong, K. T. (2014). Moodle acceptance as smart pedagogical tool: An initial study. Proceeding of International Conference of
Teaching and Learning (ICTL 2014). Ipoh, May 26-28, 2014.
[4] Wong, K. T., Pauline, S.C.G., & Osman, R., (2013). Interactive whiteboard in an early year’s classroom: Its pedagogical
affordances and challenges. Presented at International Educational Technology Conference (IETC), University Malaya, Kuala
Lumpur, 13 -15 Mei 2013.
[5] Wong, K. T., Osman, R., & Goh, P.S.C. (2011). An analysis of the Technology Acceptance Model in understanding student
teachers’ behavioural intention. Proceedings of the Inaugural Malaysian Postgraduate Conference (MPC) on Advancing State
of-the-Art Research: Exploring New Ideas, University of South Australia, Australia, 25-27 November 2011.
[6] Wong K.T., Goh, S. C., Shaheda U, & Hafizul F. H. (2009). Computer use among fresh graduated teachers: the moderating role
of type of school environment. Presented at the International Conference on Teaching & Learning in Higher Education
(ICTLHE) 2009, The Legend Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, 23 – 25 November 2009.
[7] Wong, K.T. (2008). Fresh graduate teachers in relation to computer use. Presented at the 2nd International Malaysian
Educational Technology Convention MS Garden Hotel Kuantan, Pahang Darul Makmur, Malaysia, 5 -7 November 2008.
[8] Siti Eshah Mokshein & Wong, K.T., (2014). Dropout trends among secondary school students in Perak by District. Proceeding
of International Conference of Teaching and Learning (ICTL 2014). Ipoh, May 26-28, 2014.
[9] Goh, P.S.C., Wong, K.T., & Lin, C.Y. (2013). Discerning Beginning Teachers' Conceptions of Competence through a
Phenomenographic Investigation. Proceedings of the Joint International Conference of the Australian Association for Research
in Education (AARE) and the Asia Pacific Educational Research Association (APERA), University of Sydney, 2-6 December 2012.
[10] Rosma O., Wong K.T.,Goh S.C. &, S. Desa. (2012). Rhetoric on promoting thinking skills to students in rural areas. Proceedings
of 5th UPI-UPSI. 1 - 3 Oktober 2012.
[11] Russo, S., & Wong, K.T. (2011). Interactive whiteboards: Teachers’ perspectives of potential pedagogical benefits and issues in
teaching science for young children. Proceedings of the Australasian Science Education Research Association. Adelaide,
Australia, 29 June – 2 July 2011.
[12] Goh, SC., Wong. K.T., & Masran, N. (2011) "Beginning teachers' conceptions of competency and its alignment to the SGM for
improved teacher education" , "Seminar Hasil Penyelidkan Siri 2 UPSI" , Pusat Pengurusan Penyelidikan UPSI.
[13] Rosma O., Wong K.T.,Goh S.C. &, Noraini A., (2010). "Monitoring and measuring impact of ICT in 88 smart schools in Malaysia:
a recount of experience" , "APERA 2010 Conference, The ecology of human growth and sustainable development:
contributions from educational research and innovations" , 2010, UPSU.
[14] Goh, P.S.C., Wong, K.T., Masran, N., & Osman, R. (2010). Practicum students: concerns and confidences. Presented at the Asia
Pacific Educational Research Association International Conference 2010 (APERA 2010). Kuala Lumpur, 23-25 November, 2010.
[15] Goh, P.S.C., Masran, N., Wong, K.T., & Osman, R. (2010). Standard Guru Malaysia (SGM) (Malaysian Teachers Standards) and
Beginning Teachers’ Conceptions of Competency: Is there an Alignment? Presented at the 2nd East Asian International
Conference on Teacher Education Research (EAI). The Hong Kong Institute of Education, 15-17 December, 2010.
[16] Goh, S.C., Wong K.T., Shaheda U, & Hafizul F. H. (2009). Teaching and learning: addressing the diversity through approaches to
learning. Presented at the International Conference on Teaching & Learning in Higher Education (ICTLHE) 2009, The Legend
Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, 23 – 25 November 2009.
[17] Shaheda U., Goh, S. C., Wong K.T., & Hafizul F. H. (2009). A research of trainee teachers’ perceptions towards learning with
laman e-pedagogy interaktif’: a case study. Presented at the International Conference on Teaching & Learning in Higher
Education (ICTLHE) 2009, The Legend Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, 23 – 25 November 2009.
[18] Rosma O., Wong K.T., & ,Goh S.C. (2014). Raising World class students in Malaysia. Presented at 9th International Academic
Conference, Istanbul. 13 -15 April 2014. ISBN 978-80-87927-00-7, IISES
Published Book
[1] Wong, K.T., & Hafizul, F. H. (2010). PowerPoint & Guru: Langkah demi langkah untuk persembahan dalam bilik darjah (PowerPoint
& teachers: Step by step for classrooms presentations). Selangor: Penerbitan Multimedia Sdn.Bhd.